Tuesday, 27 March 2018


Miracles are a retelling of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see... ~ CS LewisJohn

Tunnel vision, due to what we are going through, can prevent us from noticing miracles.  Miracles are there, we are just noticing them anymore.  The earth is spinning in the middle of nowhere and nobody is falling off.  Waves know exactly how far to roll onto the shore.  If you look at the quality of a photo compared to what the human eye detects, you stand in awe that the human brain can translate that into pictures with so much detail…  Every Spring trees bloom, come Fall, they lose their leaves…  A tiny newborn animal that stumble onto its wobbly legs minutes after being born and knows exactly where to find nourishment without a word being said… That babies don’t drown or suffocate in a mother’s womb…  That a heavy iron ship can float…

Open your eyes to the miracles… they’re there all the time.

'Miracles happen to those who believe in them...' ~ Bernard Berenson

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