Sunday, 12 August 2018

Verandering / Change

2 Samuel 14:20  Joab het dit gedoen om 'n verandering in die loop van sake te bring     

How to become a Quality Transformer - Received from Jacques

Change: If you don't ride the wave of change, you'll find yourself beneath it!

This simple act of kindness changed the way I saw change forever.

There is a lot of changes in our everyday lives…. some small, some big, some made by ourselves and some made by other people. Change will happen, it’s a fact. But how you respond to it and how you deal with it will determine whether you use the change to your advantage or whether the change will ruined a beautiful experience for you.

So the choice of how you react to the change is all up to you. And if your mind set is positive the change can be one of quality.

This is my definition of 'Quality Change'….. It is the capacity to transform ‘negative’ situations, or circumstances, into something beneficial for one’s self and others.

This is how we should view and handle all changes in our lives. If you do, you will become a ‘Quality transformer’.

And this is my definition of a 'quality transformer'….. Its people who can turn walls of resistance into bridges of understanding and keep crossing them. People who can change any obstacle into a stepping stone of success. People who can reverse the niggling, paralysing dragons of doubt into radiant self-confidence, dissolving the thought 'impossible' from the mind. People who thrive in an ever changing environment!

Verandering sal altyd met ons wees.  Net soos dood en belasting, is verandering die een ding waarvan ons seker kan wees.  Verandering ontsenu baie mense en daarom het ek dit goedgedink om vandag bogenoemde oor verandering met jou te deel.  Dit sou net nie dieselfde effek gehad het as ek dit in Afrikaans sou vertaal nie.  

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